Friday, February 12, 2010

Happy Valentines Day to you and me

It's that time of year again. Hearts, flowers, and chocolate day, known as Valentine's Day, and it's round the corner. I guess this is another one of those holidays which can be depressing. We all know how we are going to celebrate Valentine's Day if we have that someone special in our lives.  But, what about those who don't. What about doing something special just for you? You know, all the self-help books tell us to do that, but are you? When I started taking time weekly to treat myself to something special, I had trouble deciding what to do.  Let's see about listing some ideas here. You know, "special" can be just finding a comfortable place, indoors or out, to just sit and "be." I find that very enjoyable because I am usually in the "do" mode. Just sitting in quiet observation is so peaceful and I find that to be a real treat. Okay, I am going to just ramble some ideas off now. Going to the movies - yes by myself, eating dessert out, eating lox and bagels out, eating sushi out - okay, enough about eating out. I love being in Borders with a stack of magazines or books, and a cappuccino. Taking a walk in nature in silence and really seeing everything without any judgment. Visiting with a friend on the phone or in person.  Getting under the covers and reading a good book. Looking in a cookbook, finding a new recipe, getting the ingredients and making something yummy. Taking in the sights as a tourist in my own town. Signing up for a class and learning something new. Joining a book club. Laying down with an eyepillow, headset, and listening to a meditation or visulization c.d.  Going shopping and buying something that gives me joy just looking at it. Listening to music in my home and dancing as if no one is watching! Having you in my life is special! Happy Valentine's Day everyone:)
See sample video of my yoga dvd  or  

1 comment:

  1. Great ideas Osha! Taking time for myself is so important but so hard to do! It seems like it's the first thing that goes out the window when I'm busy with all the other aspects of life. I need to take some time for myself, grab my surfboard and catch a few waves...just me and the soothing flow of the sea.

    Happy V Day!
